KLYKER.COM > COOL > Vietnamese Guy Builds Functional Batpod (10 photos)

Vietnamese Guy Builds Functional Batpod (10 photos)

Nguyen Dak Chang is a big fan of Batman movies, and he has skilled hands that allow him to create amazing things. In just six months of evening work, he managed to build a replica of the Batpod. The Batpod is like Batman’s motorcycle, measuring three meters in length, 90 cm in height, and weighing 250 kg. Although the weapons on the Batpod are not real, they are just dummies. The Batpod is not just a model, but a functional copy. It can even be driven, but the electric motor is not powerful enough to go faster than 30 km/h.
What’s interesting is that Nguyen Dak Chang is considering turning his passion for building Batpods into a business. The first Batpod he built cost him $8,500, but he learned from the mistakes he made and believes that future models can be built more efficiently. Many people have expressed interest in ordering their own Batpod replicas.

Vietnamese Guy Builds Functional Batpod (10 photos)
Vietnamese Guy Builds Functional Batpod (10 photos)
Vietnamese Guy Builds Functional Batpod (10 photos)
Vietnamese Guy Builds Functional Batpod (10 photos)
Vietnamese Guy Builds Functional Batpod (10 photos)
Vietnamese Guy Builds Functional Batpod (10 photos)
Vietnamese Guy Builds Functional Batpod (10 photos)
Vietnamese Guy Builds Functional Batpod (10 photos)
Vietnamese Guy Builds Functional Batpod (10 photos)
Vietnamese Guy Builds Functional Batpod (10 photos)

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