KLYKER.COM > FAILS > Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)

Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)

Some people and technology just don’t mix, gadgets get broken, phones stop working, and it’s clear that tech is not for everyone. You know the type. They press every button like it’s a personal challenge, wonder why their device isn’t working while holding it upside down, or think the best way to fix a frozen screen is to hit it.

These are the folks who manage to break a phone within days of getting it or turn a simple printer setup into an IT department’s worst nightmare. Instructions? Who needs those? They’ll figure it out, eventually.

Of course, their solution to a tech issue often involves either smashing buttons in frustration or declaring that “this thing is broken” before even trying to restart it. And let’s not forget the classic move of calling for help, only for the problem to magically fix itself the moment someone else looks at it.

Some people just aren’t meant for gadgets, and honestly, that’s probably for the best.

Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)
Technology Isn’t for Everyone (18 photos)

Also, check out: Technology Gone Wrong in Ridiculous Ways

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